Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Murder Comparison [All 3 Popular Murder Games all in One Giant Review!] [Game Review #2]

Well, it's me Kloiz!
This is a special post, as well as a long one!

So, brace your booty, sit back, kick back, put on your reading glasses, and brace yourself possibly one of the best Roblox game reviews in history!

Well, before we begin, I'd like to give huge credit to agung for inspiring me to make this post.
He was originally going to make it, but I decided to take over for him w/ his permission. So, thanks dude!

Okay, so let me explain how I'm going to do this.
I'm going to make around 2-3 paragraphs about the game, what it's like, who it's for, and if I like it.
Also, this is as un-biased as possible, I don't really have a preference, but if I had to choose... That will be at the end! C:

So, lets start out with the first one that came out.

Murder Mystery - A game by Nikilis.

     Essentially, MM is the first murder game brought up to Roblox that got popular. It was on the front page, #1 played game for about 2 or 3 months, then it died down a little bit. Basically, MM was the best game at that time, and almost EVERYONE was playing it. Including me. But, that's not the point. What we're doing here, is reviewing the game. So, lets jump into this pool of bloody murder!

     Basically, MM now is for the FPS sort of person, that likes to be in first person, and play the 'original' games. I personally don't like this game anymore, because I begin to feel too claustrophobic and then just leave. But, that's my personal opinion. Otherwise, the game is great overall. It has a good cartoony feel to it, somehow, but it managed to work out great for this game. The game's mechanics are great, it was designed well, and to think that it's the first murder game that got popular, heck, that's pretty good. Another thing to note, is that this runs pretty good on low end computers.

    So, in conclusion, I'd have to give this game a 7/10, due to the fact that you're forced to be in first person, and that the shop isn't really pushed, it's just there, but not a lot of people use it. Otherwise, it's a great game.

Now, onto the next game!

Murder - A game by Clonetrooper1019.

     Murder is great for if you have a lot of friends that all get into a great big Skype call, bunker down, and just enjoy some games with their friends! You can create partys, go to separate private servers, and just enjoy it with your friends! Now, don't get me wrong. Murder doesn't revolve around with just playing w/ your friends, there is a multiplayer feature where you can select a map you want to play on, and join a random public match! And it's great the same way too!

     Also, another great thing about Murder, is that you can earn SO MANY PLAYER POINTS! I'm not exaggerating when I say this. You earn around 50-100 player points when you're the murderer and you kill someone. Also, you get 1 PP whenever you earn a dollar, so that's essentially 10PP per round! If you're the type of person that wants to earn your player points, not buy them, and also have some fun, this is DEFINITELY the place for you! But, I would not recommend this to people with lower-end computers, as there are a ton of scripts and bricks.

     So, this part comes to an end. But, if you are any of the above, then Murder is totally for you! On a scale of 1-10, I'd have to give this game a solid 9/10. It's fun, there are a bunch of PPs to be earned, and it's just fun to play with friends, and randoms overall!

So, let us go to Loleris's version!

The Mad Murder - A game by Loleris.

     Let me just start off with this one and say, if you read the above and from the 2 murder games sound like and you don't like either one, well this one is definitely for you. It is open, no locked first person, it's all in one server, and you can buy points for the in game shop! This game is probably my favorite, and no, this one is not biased. I highly like all 3 of the Murder games, but this one was well made, and the fact that when Nikilis and Clonetrooper1019 were fighting, Loleris just came in strolling, slowly making his murder game, is just flat out amazing. Heck, nobody expected it, too! So, lets jump in and see what's so good about this game.

     What I like the most about this game is the characters. They're hands down the funniest murder characters I've seen yet. For instance, Jack, one of the playable characters, is shirtless, wearing an afro, and wearing his boxers. It's just hilarious! Also, another thing I like about TMM, is that it runs smooth on both my crappy PC and my Mac. One last thing to note is how fun the game is. It's got that cartoony feel like Murder Mystery does, and the same humor Murder does. It's essentially a mix of the two games, and I just love it.

     So, to conclude this, I'd have to say I give TMM the same score I did with Murder. 9/10. Why? It's fun, and great, just as Murder, it's funny, and well put together, such as all of the 3 murder games, and it's just a great game overall. But, we're not finished yet!

So, that concludes my review for all of the 3 Murder games. But, we're not done yet!  (as stated above, durrrr.)

So, what is my personal preference for a good Murder game?
Well, all of them. They're all well built, fun, and good overall. But, that doesn't answer the question. If I had to choose one, knife to my back, I would chose TMM. It's fun, and it just feels like a mix of the two games put together. (sorry clonetrooper and nikilis) Also, TMM was extremely underestimated. People didn't expect one for loleris, but when he released it, there were a ton of people trash talking it, saying Murder Mystery was better, vice versa Clonetrooper's version.

But, that's my preference.

Which murder game do you like best out of the 3? Did you like this post? Let me know in the comments below! So, this concludes this extremely long post!

Well, farewell, Fellow Robloxian!

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