Friday, July 4, 2014

A small rant on the new physics update.

Recently, (i know i'm late but whatever) Roblox has released a new update that has aggravated me immensely. The physics update.

Now, don't get me wrong.
Adding new features into Roblox is a great thing, and I'm all for it. But assuming the Roblox team didn't check everything before the released the update kind of pissed me off.

They broke sword fighting, and they didn't even release an update to patch it! It infuriated me when I went to the forums and saw that sword fighting was broken, and then I tested it out. I hope Roblox didn't do that on purpose.

You just stop when you're slashing with a sword that slashes, and it's just annoying.
Another thing is you slide on marble, which ruins all good builds where the floors are marble.

Another thing, is that they were saying that the new physics updates allow you to rocket jump, which is COMPLETELY pointless because nobody is going to use them. Would you like to object?
Let me ask you this. WHEN are you going to rocket jump at all in roblox, and when are you going to use it? I think the only time you'd rocket jump in roblox is in war games. They ruined a bunch of things for physics? Cmon, roblox. You're smarter than this.

But, like all updates that infuriate people, we'll all get used to it eventually.

So, that concludes this post!
Farewell, Fellow Robloxians!

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